International Women’s Day | Get to know the women behind DHP | Julie Tippins

In celebration of International Women’s Day we sat down with our Head of Compliance, Julie Tippins…


Head of Compliance

Julie Tippins


What does your job in risk management  involve?

I lead on lowering the risks to employees, customers, neighbours and the business generally, I help managers with the health and safety in venues and events, am involved with licensing matters – whether applications or contact with authorities, place insurance for business and work closely with HR on joint areas – such as training and employee health. I do a lot of networking for the company – particularly at national level – UK Hospitality, NTIA, MVT and UK Music and bring information and ideas from our wider industry to DHP.


What kind of experience did you need to enter into the role?

You need to have been working on the operational side I think to really understand how the business and the people work, I’ve done a whole load of roles before I came to this one and each one of them has helped me to better understand how to make a difference and get different people on board with making changes that benefit us all.


Have you had any boundaries that you have had to overcome and if so how did you do this?

When I started in the 80’s in this business (originally at a Top Rank venue) there were no women managers and there was no expectation that women could run venues, I don’t remember anything being said but the culture was ingrained that the important jobs were for men. I got my first professional job as a DJ because they thought it would be a novelty to have a woman DJing – so every cloud of sexism did have a silver lining for me. You have to be prepared to take opportunities and chances when they come along – even if you are not sure or end up hating the job – I’ve found you will have learned something about yourself or the business. When I look back I think most of the boundaries I faced were invisible – and they are the hardest ones to overcome. I’m quite bloody minded and that has helped me – and I like to do new things and that has always been a benefit in progressing my career.


Describe your role in three words.

Full of surprises (not always good ones).


Do you have any advice for women looking to work in the industry?

Believe in yourself, take offers of support and never give up.


Who is your favourite female artist / female fronted band at the minute?

Self Esteem.





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